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Space saving energy chain for indoor crane

Rope instead of trough guide: autoglide 5 energy chain offers maximum space savings on BANG crane.

BANG Kransysteme GmbH & Co. KG, based in Oelsnitz/Vogtland, enjoys success throughout Europe with its process cranes and special cranes. The cranes provide top performance, e.g., in the steel industry, in the press shops of the automotive industry, and also in the area of nuclear facilities. With a current project, the company is showing that it can also do standard things - and then go beyond the standard in a very flexible way when necessary. This is why our new autoglide 5 energy chain is used in the new bridge crane of ZSB Zwickauer Sonderstahlbau GmbH.


  • What was needed: autoglide 5 energy chain
  • Requirements: A particularly space-saving energy supply solution had to be found for supplying a trolley
  • Application area: Cranes
  • Success for the customer: The autoglide 5 energy chain completely dispenses with the guide trough and relies on a space-saving steel cable guide. Despite a well-filled energy chain, the safety distance to the moving trolley could thus be maintained - to the satisfaction of the customer.
autoglide 5 indoor crane The autoglide 5 does not need a guide trough. This saves space and reduces costs and installation time.

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The energy chains that BANG requested from igus were actually supposed to be "completely normal" ones. The BANG engineers working for ZSB Zwickauer Sonderstahlbau GmbH had planned a project for two identical cranes for steel plate handling. The 22.5m bridges, each with a 12.5t hoist, were to be equipped with a component kit (drives, wire rope, energy supply) from a German manufacturer.
For one of the two cranes, however, the energy supply that was part of the standard package could not be used. This crane can also use an electromagnet instead of the hook if necessary. Therefore, a stronger power supply up to the load handling attachment is required here and thus also a larger energy chain. The trolley's primary power supply alone requires five individual cores with a cross section of four square millimetres. At the same time, this resulted in a space problem: for example, a safety distance to the moving trolley had to be maintained on the upper belt and crushing edges had to be avoided.
It was precisely this challenge that BANG had asked us about. At that time, our industry manager for cranes had a conversation with BANG and mentioned a new development: the autogilde 5 energy chain. Two days later, BANG modified its request to read "Please send us a quotation for the autoglide 5 - we need all the space we can get."


The autoglide 5 energy chain was developed for such applications. In order to save as much space as possible, the guide trough is replaced by a rope that is braced on the substructure. The cable also engages in the chain's guide elements, guiding the chain reliably.
The autoglide 5 was developed for indoor cranes and stacker cranes, with travels of up to 80 metres. The users of this system save space, installation time and cost. That is why the new energy supply received interest immediately, and not just from BANG, but from users looking for a low-wear alternative to busbar systems.
However, in order to be able to use the autoglide 5 for this project, a special solution had to be implemented: With the autoglide 5, an end infeed is standard. However, since two separately movable trolleys had to be supplied with power and signals here, two reverse chains with a common guidance were required. This small challenge was solved with a custom fixed end bridge that we made in 3D printing - the first autoglide 5 with reverse feed.
In the meantime, the two cranes have been installed in the new building of ZSB Zwickauer Sonderstahlbau GmbH and the customer is happy. Peter Knösel, Head of Project Management and Sales: "We are very satisfied with both the cranes and the project process, and the new trough-less energy chain is also proving its worth."
"We are very satisfied with both the cranes and the project process, and the new channel-less energy chain is proving its worth."

Peter Knösel, Head of Project Management and Sales at ZSB Zwickauer Sonderstahlbau GmbH
Indoor crane The two handling cranes with 22.5m bridges and two 12.5t load capacity lifters are designed as standard cranes.
autoglide 5 indoor crane The cable engages in the chain's guide elements. Nothing else is needed for reliable energy chain guidance.

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igus® GmbH points out that it does not sell any products of the companies Allen Bradley, B&R, Baumüller, Beckhoff, Lahr, Control Techniques, Danaher Motion, ELAU, FAGOR, FANUC, Festo, Heidenhain, Jetter, Lenze, LinMot, LTi DRiVES, Mitsubishi, NUM,Parker, Bosch Rexroth, SEW, Siemens, Stöber and all other drive manufacturers mention on this website. The products offered by igus® are those of igus® GmbH