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drylin® cleanroom compatibility, ESD compatibility and RoHS

Fraunhofer tested device
The tested drylin® guides demonstrate a clear suitability for cleanrooms. The differentiation between the various cleanroom classes is only dependent on load and speed of the application. The combination iglidur® J against anodised and hard anodised aluminium has "Level 1" in the ESD compatibility according to SEMI E78-0998 (best rating).
All drylin® linear guide systems are designed for dry operation and have also been tested in this condition. No oils or fats were used as additional lubricants.
The following drylin® guides from igus® were tested: N40, W10, T25 and T30.

NK-02-40-02 drylin® linear guide system

"For the linear guide system drylin® NK-02-40-02 by igus® GmbH, it is possible, on the calculations of the likelihood of violation of threshold values of the detection sizes 0.2μm, 0.3μm, 0.5μm, and 5μm with motion speed of v =1m/s, to clearly derive suitability for cleanrooms classified as ISO Class 6 according to DIN EN ISO 14644-1." 
The measurement results of the ESD compatibility according to SEMI E78-0998 show that the linear guide system drylin® NK-02-40-02 can be classified as "level 1" (highest rank). Fraunhofer IPA Report No.: IG 0308- 295 73

drylin® TK-01-30-01 linear guide system

"For the linear guide system drylin® TK-01-30-01 by igus® GmbH, it is possible, on the calculations of the likelihood of violation of threshold values of the detection sizes 0.2μm, 0.3μm, 0.5μm and 5μm with motion speed of v = 0.1m/s, to clearly derive suitability for cleanrooms classified as ISO Class 3 according to DIN EN ISO 14644-1." 

drylin® TK-01-25-02 linear guide system

"For the linear guide system drylin® TK-01-25-02 by igus® GmbH, it is possible, on the calculations of the likelihood of violation of threshold values of the detection sizes 0.2μm, 0.3μm, 0.5μm and 5μm with motion speed of v = 1m/s, to clearly derive suitability for cleanrooms classified as ISO Class 5 according to DIN EN ISO 14644-1." 
The measurement results of the ESD compatibility according to SEMI E78-0998 show that the linear guide system drylin® TK-01-25-02 can be classified as "level 1" (highest rank).

WK-10-40-15-01 drylin® linear guide system

"For the linear guide system drylin® WK-10-40-15-01 by igus® GmbH, it is possible, on the calculations of the likelihood of violation of threshold values of the detection sizes 0.2μm, 0.3μm, 0.5μm and 5μm with motion speed of v = 1m/s, to clearly derive suitability for cleanrooms classified as ISO Class 6 according to DIN EN ISO 14644-1." 
The measurement results of the ESD compatibility according to SEMI E78-0998 show that the linear guide system drylin® WK-10-40-15-01 can be classified as "level 1" (highest rank). See Fraunhofer IPA Report No.: IG 0308-295 74

drylin® NK-02-40-02

Particle abrasion measurement

drylin® TK-01-25-02

Particle abrasion measurement

drylin WK-10-40-15-01

Particle abrasion measurement

Further information

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igus® GmbH points out that it does not sell any products of the companies Allen Bradley, B&R, Baumüller, Beckhoff, Lahr, Control Techniques, Danaher Motion, ELAU, FAGOR, FANUC, Festo, Heidenhain, Jetter, Lenze, LinMot, LTi DRiVES, Mitsubishi, NUM,Parker, Bosch Rexroth, SEW, Siemens, Stöber and all other drive manufacturers mention on this website. The products offered by igus® are those of igus® GmbH